Why Have a Greenhouse?

11 March 2013 - Joanna Hazelton
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Greenhouses. Where to start. Big? Small? Wood? Aluminium? Glass? Plastic?
I was all set to browse the web to give you an in-depth guide as to what to look for in a greenhouse. Then, as luck would have it, I stumbled across an informative blog I’d forgotten Jack had written a couple of years ago entitled Jack’s Greenhouse Guide which details all the main points you need to consider. So that’s made my life a whole lot easier.
It got me thinking though. Why have a greenhouse at all? Well, lots of reasons really.

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Jack’s Greenhouse guide

19 November 2010 - Jack Gardener
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A greenhouse is a wonderful addition to any garden, big or small. These fantastic garden structures help you to extend the growing period, allow you to propagate plants and allow you to control the growing temperature inside. Before you buy a green house here are a few key things you need to have thought about […]

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Jack's Greenhouse guide

- Jack Gardener
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A greenhouse is a wonderful addition to any garden, big or small. These fantastic garden structures help you to extend the growing period, allow you to propagate plants and allow you to control the growing temperature inside. Before you buy a green house here are a few key things you need to have thought about […]

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