Tag: metal garages
Keeping Your Car in the Garage – That’s So Yesterday…!
19 October 2012 - Joanna Hazelton
7.30am Sunday morning, I was up and dressed and out of the house on my way to the gym – impressed hey? But despite my good intentions I fell at the first hurdle; it was a frosty morning and my car was frozen. I couldn’t find the scraper and I didn’t want to risk the wrath of my neighbours by leaving the car engine running at that time on a Sunday morning. So I made a hasty retreat indoors.
It got me thinking and I’ve come up with the perfect solution to deal with frosty mornings – I’m going to get my husband to build a garage. That way I won’t have to worry about waking the neighbours on my early morning visits to the gym (while they last!).
Garage and Car Port Guide
13 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
You are planning to build a covered area for your car but cannot decide whether to opt for a garage or car port to shelter your car. Read this guide to determine which is best for you. Garages A garage offers a safe and secure structure in which to keep your car and gardening equipment […]