What Type of Roof Covering is Best for a Log Cabin?

27 February 2020 - Joanna Hazelton
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Like a good hairstyle, roofing is a log cabin’s crowning glory. It finishes off its look perfectly. But it not only has to look good. It has to be strong enough to withstand the test of time – and the British weather! There’s little point in investing a lot of money and time in having […]

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How to Insulate a Log Cabin

26 February 2020 - Joanna Hazelton
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Don’t just think of a log cabin as a summer building. There’s no reason why it can’t be used throughout the year. It just takes a little thought about insulation. A good starting point is to consider the thickness of the logs which act as good thermal insulators. The thicker the log the more heat […]

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Do I Need Planning Permission for a Log Cabin in my Garden?

25 February 2020 - Joanna Hazelton
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Don’t let a little thing like planning permission put you off buying a log cabin and enjoying fantastic extra outdoor living space in your garden!! It’s probably a lot more straightforward than you think. A log cabin is classed as an outbuilding on your property. Outbuildings are regarded as permitted developments and therefore do not […]

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Demons, Zombies, No Wi-Fi. The Horrors That Lurk in Log Cabins.

1 November 2017 - Joanna Hazelton
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So, I searched ‘Top 10 Fun Facts About Log Cabins’…it transpires there aren’t any. So I thought I’d give ‘Scariest Log Cabin in the Woods Films’ a try. It transpires there’s no shortage of these!! Axe-wielding murderers, demons, zombies, in-bred cannibals, no Wi-Fi… It all goes on in a log cabin. If I’ve learnt one […]

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