Making The Most Of Your Garden This Winter

20 October 2011 - Laura Jennings
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Our gardens often get overlooked during the winter, except for some occasional snowman-making perhaps. Here are a few simple ways we can make more out of our gardens in the colder months.

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Climbing Ivy – Taking Back Control of Your Garden

14 October 2011 - Veronica
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How to control climbing ivy in your garden; and how to get rid of it completely and permanently…

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A Garden Summerhouse or Log Cabin Can Double Up as a Home Office

11 October 2011 - Jack Gardener
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A summerhouse is the perfect year-round, multi-purpose garden building: it can be a home gym, a place for band practice, a relaxation room, an entertainment room or a home office.

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My Tiny Plot wins Best Gardening Blog

16 April 2011 - Jack Gardener
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There are some great gardening blogs out there. Which one do you think is the best? Vote now in our Top Gardening Blog poll…

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