Protect your garden as the winter nights close in

2 November 2011 - Stefan Mustieles
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The clocks have just been turned back which means one thing…the longer, winter nights have arrived. Us ‘Brits’ have always been obsessed with making the most of the land that belongs to us and our gardens are where we can let our creativity run free. Figures have shown that the average garden is now worth […]

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Surprising Benefits of Gardening [Infographic]

1 November 2011 - Jack Gardener
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Gardening can have tremendous benefits for your physical and mental well-being, and even your pocket. Have a look at this fantastic infographic….

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Garden Furniture – Buying during the winter months

27 October 2011 - Ebrar Khan
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As the temperatures cool and autumnal days slowly start to turn darker and colder, winter will soon be upon us. But this could be a perfect time to buy new garden furniture ready for summer next year…

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For Winter Veggies, Start Planting Now!

- Elizabeth Childers
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It’s time to shake the idea that winter is strictly a time of death for your garden. A few hearty vegetables are able to grow in the winter soil and peek their shoots out during the cold months. Find out more…

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