Tag: cheap metal sheds
Metal Sheds vs Wooden Sheds: What Type of Sheddie are You?
17 February 2013 - Joanna Hazelton
Help. I’m facing a dilemma that so many face at one time or another. I’m just not sure which way to turn. Sleepless nights, anxiety, lack of support from a husband who just doesn’t seem to understand my predicament. I need to resolve this problem soon before it drives me to distraction.
Should we get a metal garden shed or is a wooden shed better?
Looking after your metal shed – Jacks top maintenance tips
11 March 2010 - Jack Gardener
Metal sheds are a fantastic safe and secure storage solution for your garden. One of the main advantages of having a metal shed instead of a more traditional wooden shed is the amount of maintenance a metal shed requires. Unlike timber sheds, metal garden sheds need very little maintenance. The key to maintenance free metal […]