Tag: bike storage
Keep Your Bike in the Bedroom and Your Husband in the Shed
8 October 2012 - Joanna Hazelton
We’re all well aware of the ‘pleb’ scandal that is surrounding Andrew Mitchell and what he did or did not call the policemen as he cycled past. I’m certainly not going to throw my opinion on what happened into the mix. But seeing the Chief Whip on his bike, together with David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Nick Clegg and George Osborne all championing the virtues of cycling to work, it did bring to mind an interesting question.
Treat your bike – Get a bike storage shed
20 May 2010 - Jack Gardener
A bike storage shed provides you with a safe and secure place to keep your bike whilst also providing you with easy access to your cycling equipment. Are you planning to get fit? If you are thinking of buying a bicycle to cycle to work or to ride on the weekends you must add into […]