Category: Uncategorized
Get ready for spring – Growing your own herbs
29 January 2010 - Jack Gardener
Now is the time to begin planning your herb garden. Although it is still pretty cold outdoors, if you look closely in some gardens you will begin to see new signs of growth in their herb beds. If you don’t mind braving the cold now’s the time to tidy up your beds, pot up autumn […]
Wheelie Bin Storage solution
9 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
In many areas across the UK, local councils have introduced the wheelie bin in order to reduce litter, improve tidiness and make it easier for residents and bin men to move our household rubbish. Unfortunately looks were never high on the agenda during the manufacturing process and these bins have now become an unsightly addition […]
Summerhouses – The buyers guide.
2 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
Summerhouses offer a way of adding additional living space to your home whilst also becoming an attractive focal point in your garden. The range of summerhouses available today is huge, with a great variety of sizes, shapes and designs to choose from. With over two million of us now choosing to work from home a […]
Buying the right picnic table.
3 November 2009 - Jack Gardener
Think of summer…. What images does your mind conjure up? Are you thinking of outdoor activities in the warm sunshine, barbecue’s, cool drinks outside? If so try to picture where you and your friends and family are sat. One of the best designed outdoor seating areas made for the garden which keeps everyone gathered close […]