Small Garden ideas

30 March 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Having a small garden does not mean that your outdoor space can only be a concrete yard or small rectangle of lawn. Some of the most creative and beautiful gardens I have ever visited have been compact yet full of enchantment thanks to careful planning and design. You can make the most of whatever outdoor […]

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10 Easiest vegetables to grow

15 March 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Growing your own vegetables is so satisfying! Not only do you get to taste food that is 100 times better than anything you can purchase in a supermarket but you will be saving money and doing your bit for the environment. I have compiled a list of the easiest vegetables to grow to get you […]

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How to use trellis in your garden

25 February 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Trellis allows you to grow climbing plants which are a great feature in any garden big or small. They can add depth and cover old fencing or help to create different areas within your garden. They also provide privacy which can be highly beneficial especially in built up areas. How to The best way to […]

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Reduce your carbon footprint – How your garden can help

5 February 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Recently the media has been full of stories about our carbon footprint. We all need to work together in reducing each one in order to reduce the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. What is your carbon footprint? Essentially a carbon footprint is the measurement of all of our activities which have an impact […]

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