Category: Pet House
How long do pet rabbits live?
16 October 2009 - Jack Gardener
The answer to this question depends on the breed; smaller breeds of rabbit can live up to 12 years old, whereas larger rabbits may live only 5 years. Rabbits are clean, friendly intelligent creatures that can bring years of joy to any family. With space, food, bedding and the right living accommodation rabbits are happy […]
Show me the honey : Beekeeping Equipment
9 September 2009 - Jack Gardener
Imagine some freshly baked bread, lightly toasted and smothered in beautiful sweet honey………. Now imagine that you have collected the honey from your very own bees. Mmmmmmm .. Even better! More and more people are taking on the challenge of beekeeping and reaping the benefits of their own homegrown produce. An average bee colony will […]
Keeping Chickens : Coping with the Coop
28 August 2009 - Jack Gardener
Ever fancied living the goodlife? If so, you are not alone. Keeping chickens is a great way to do this. One of the fastest growing hobbies in the UK is producing your own food. With the onset of TV programmes by celebrity chefs emphasizing the benefits of real home grown food, last year saw the […]