Category: Pet House
Should you keep chickens?
13 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
Keeping chickens in your garden is a fast growing trend in the UK. Over the past decade the price and taste of fruit, vegetables and eggs have changed enormously. Today the eggs and so called fresh produce found in the supermarket is far more expensive and taste much worse than it used to. If you […]
Gardeners guide to dealing with snow – Looking after your plants and wildlife
8 February 2010 - Jack Gardener
With snow forecast again this week many gardeners will be keeping indoors, gardens across the UK will remain untouched until the snow clears. However surprisingly there are a few vital jobs worth venturing outdoors for if you are feeling brave enough! Shrubs and Trees The snow can have a damaging affect on your shrubs and […]
Chicken Breeds – Choosing the right type
17 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
Are you interested in raising chickens at home and producing your own eggs? Keeping chickens is a great hobby that the whole family can get involved in however it is important that you do your research first to make sure you buy the right chickens for you. There are 4 main reasons as to why […]
Picking the perfect dog house for your prized pet
2 November 2009 - Jack Gardener
If your reading this article you will already be aware that sometimes it is not simply practical to keep your dog in your home at all times. We all love our pets but sometimes dogs need to be kept in the garden and out of the house. Perhaps your dog has outgrown your home, you […]