Category: Grow Your Own
Girl Power and Parsley: Top Tips for Growing Herbs in Pots on your Patio
19 June 2019 - Joanna Hazelton
I’ve just discovered the joys of growing herbs in pots on my patio. Not only do they make wonderful, aromatic displays, it’s pretty handy being able to nip out from the kitchen for a basil leaf or three mid-bolognaise preparing. And it really couldn’t be simpler. I just mixed and matched a medley of herbs […]
How to Bring Life to a Shaded Area of Your Garden with a Fanfare of Colour
30 March 2019 - Joanna Hazelton
I’ve really enjoyed seeing my garden being slowly teased back to life with a fanfare of colour as the days get longer and the sun finally makes an appearance. The delicate white damson blossom mingled with the magnificent vibrant yellow forsythia contrasting with the glorious pink of the azaleas and the tiny dark cobalt blue […]
Carrot & Ginger Splash Followed by a Pepper & Grapefruit Cocktail, Add a Cherry, and That’s Your 5-a-Day Sorted!
12 April 2018 - Joanna Hazelton
All this talk of Michelle Obama’s aspirations for the good life with her 1,100 square foot vegetable ‘patch’ in the Whitehouse back garden inspired my husband and me to come up with various uses for vegetables the other night – as you do when the kids have gone to bed. And it was then I suddenly had a eureka moment.
Now, before I let you in on my fabulous idea you may see a theme developing following my earlier fruit picking blog. But suffice it to say this is my concession to healthy living and a very good one it is too I might add!
Carrot & Ginger Splash Followed by a Pepper & Grapefruit Cocktail, Add a Cherry, and That’s Your 5-a-Day Sorted!
- Joanna Hazelton
All this talk of Michelle Obama’s aspirations for the good life with her 1,100 square foot vegetable ‘patch’ in the Whitehouse back garden inspired my husband and me to come up with various uses for vegetables the other night – as you do when the kids have gone to bed. And it was then I suddenly had a eureka moment.
Now, before I let you in on my fabulous idea you may see a theme developing following my earlier fruit picking blog. But suffice it to say this is my concession to healthy living and a very good one it is too I might add!