Category: Garden Water Features
My Top Picks to Bring Your Garden to Life This Spring and Summer
28 March 2018 - Joanna Hazelton
It won’t be long now. The snow, sleet and gloomy evenings will soon be a distant memory and you’ll be frolicking in the garden before you know it! So with that in mind here are 4 ways you can bring your garden to life this spring and summer together with my top picks to help […]
On International Women’s Day, Be Inspired by Mary Reynolds, The Youngest Person to Win a Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medal
8 March 2018 - Joanna Hazelton
With her inspirational story now immortalised in the 2015 film Dare to Be Wild, Mary Reynolds is the young Irish gardener who, at 27, took the Chelsea Flower Show by storm and became the youngest person ever to win the gold medal. Her evocative Celtic Sanctuary, with its 500 wild plants, 200 year old hawthorns, […]
Have Fun Transforming Your Garden
8 April 2014 - Joanna Hazelton
Fed up after months of gloom, frost and rain, our damson trees appear to be summing up the feeling of the garden as a whole with its glorious blossom seemingly rejoicing at the good weather (I feel a poem coming on…).
Seeing this has inspired me to give the garden some well deserved TLC.
Trouble is, my list keeps getting longer by the day as I think of more things that we need, sorry, my husband needs to do to breathe life back into the garden and give it a well deserved facelift (don’t we all?!).
But I do appreciate my husband isn’t getting any younger and I am concerned about who will do the cooking if he’s too busy in the garden. So I’ve scaled things down and come up with a list of top ideas for creating a new look, dream garden.
Go Green whilst watering your garden – Eco-friendly watering ideas
24 June 2010 - Jack Gardener
At Jacks Garden Store we are an Eco-friendly bunch! We are always looking to share new ideas and tips on how to take care of your garden and environment. Today we will look at watering your garden. Now that the summer has finally arrived and we are receiving some long awaited good weather our gardens […]