What Can You Use Your Summerhouse For?

26 January 2023 - Joanna Hazelton
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* Check out all our summerhouse offers * Not only a fantastic place to escape to on a summer’s afternoon with the latest blockbuster and a flask of tea, the additional living space a summerhouse gives you opens up a world of possibilities of what you can do in your garden! Needing a bit of […]

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Do I Need Planning Permission for a Summerhouse or Garden Room?

24 January 2023 - Joanna Hazelton
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Don’t be daunted by the thought of Planning Permission when considering a summerhouse in your garden. Most garden rooms and summerhouses do not need Planning Permission. They are classed as an outbuilding on your property. These are permitted developments and do not require an application for planning permission as long as all the conditions listed […]

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How to Treat and Maintain Your Summerhouse

- Joanna Hazelton
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Whether you want to create the perfect girlie haven or man den, you really can’t beat having a bolt hole in your garden to escape to for some peace and quiet and well needed me-time! A summerhouse is just the job. But to get the most from your garden room and guarantee years of enjoyment, […]

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Log Cabins vs Summerhouses – What Are The Differences?

3 August 2022 - Joanna Hazelton
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Additional living space in the garden? Yes please.

Add some comfy furniture and, voila! You’ve got just the spot to escape to on a summer’s day with a pot of tea and the latest bestseller. An area to relax and enjoy the garden from with family and friends. Somewhere to unwind after a long day with a glass of fizz and bag of twiglets.

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