How to prevent condensation in a metal shed

17 October 2009 - Jack Gardener
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  Metal sheds are a fantastic alternative to having a wooden shed. They enable you to overcome many of the maintenance problems that you often encounter with timber structures. However as we’re all aware metal sheds themselves can suffer from condensation problems. Read on to find out how to alleviate this problem. All metal garden […]

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Glorious Garden decorations – Garden Arches

14 October 2009 - Jack Gardener
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When creating our perfect idea of what a garden should be, we tend to focus heavily on the soft green stuff like the plants and lawn and often overlook the hard structures in our gardens that provide us with the definition, the lines and the boundaries that provide structure to our gardens. Garden structures can […]

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Buyers guide: Wooden or metal climbing frames

13 October 2009 - Jack Gardener
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Your children have been nagging you for a climbing frame for the past couple of months, you have gradually been putting a little by each month in order to treat the little darlings and now the time has finally arrived for you to start researching what type of climbing frame you want in your garden. […]

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Bridging the Gap – Adding that final touch to your garden

8 October 2009 - Jack Gardener
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A Garden bridge can be a beautiful focal point in any garden adding style and really finishing off your garden design. Whether used over a pond, rock garden or to join two parts of your garden together, a bridge is a wonderful finishing touch. The garden bridge is an ancient design structure that has been […]

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