Running electricity to your Summerhouse – Let there be light!

3 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
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In order to enjoy your summerhouse throughout the whole year adding electricity is essential. Read through my guide on how to add electricity as well as some other home comforts which will enable you to enjoy endless hours in your new home from home. Electricity You need to ensure that the connecting wiring from your […]

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Is this the end of the Glass Greenhouse?

1 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
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For decades gardens all over Britain have been filled with glass greenhouses and cold frames within which an abundance of plants at various stages of development have flourished. Now it seems us Brit’s have been missing a trick, many gardeners across Europe, especially in Germany have been switching from glass in their greenhouses and cold […]

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Climbing Frames – Finding the right outdoor play set for your child’s age range.

16 November 2009 - Jack Gardener
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Today our children are spending more and more time indoors sat in front of the television or a computer game which is not a healthy habit to start developing at such an early age. As parents we must look to encourage a more active lifestyle and this must start from a young age. A climbing […]

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Climbing Frames – Finding the right outdoor play set for your child's age range.

- Jack Gardener
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Today our children are spending more and more time indoors sat in front of the television or a computer game which is not a healthy habit to start developing at such an early age. As parents we must look to encourage a more active lifestyle and this must start from a young age. A climbing […]

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