Have We Found Your Perfect Garden Shed Match?

13 February 2013 - Joanna Hazelton
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Is there something missing in your life? Are you tired of searching for the perfect ‘one’? Are you wanting some stability, security or dependability? The ideal one to share your lifetime with? To be by your side whatever the weather?
Then look no further. Jack’s here to help. He appreciates with your busy lives you don’t have time to spend hours looking for ‘the right one’ so let Jack play cupid to give you the best possible chance of finding your perfect match.

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Keeping Your Car in the Garage – That’s So Yesterday…!

19 October 2012 - Joanna Hazelton
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7.30am Sunday morning, I was up and dressed and out of the house on my way to the gym – impressed hey? But despite my good intentions I fell at the first hurdle; it was a frosty morning and my car was frozen. I couldn’t find the scraper and I didn’t want to risk the wrath of my neighbours by leaving the car engine running at that time on a Sunday morning. So I made a hasty retreat indoors.
It got me thinking and I’ve come up with the perfect solution to deal with frosty mornings – I’m going to get my husband to build a garage. That way I won’t have to worry about waking the neighbours on my early morning visits to the gym (while they last!).

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Top Ten Garden Shed TV and Film Trivia You Didn’t Know – and Probably Didn’t Want To

21 September 2012 - Joanna Hazelton
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I love a good challenge and my husband – my partner in life as well as Jack’s Garden Store – has set me a cracker! He’s bet me that I can’t come up with 10 obscure facts about the good old garden shed. (Sad state of affairs that this is what our pillow talk has come to after 22 years together!).

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Top Ten Garden Shed TV and Film Trivia You Didn't Know – and Probably Didn't Want To

- Joanna Hazelton
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I love a good challenge and my husband – my partner in life as well as Jack’s Garden Store – has set me a cracker! He’s bet me that I can’t come up with 10 obscure facts about the good old garden shed. (Sad state of affairs that this is what our pillow talk has come to after 22 years together!).

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