Demons, Zombies, No Wi-Fi. The Horrors That Lurk in Log Cabins.

1 November 2017 - Joanna Hazelton
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So, I searched ‘Top 10 Fun Facts About Log Cabins’…it transpires there aren’t any. So I thought I’d give ‘Scariest Log Cabin in the Woods Films’ a try. It transpires there’s no shortage of these!! Axe-wielding murderers, demons, zombies, in-bred cannibals, no Wi-Fi… It all goes on in a log cabin. If I’ve learnt one […]

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See What Our Customers Have Done With Their Log Cabins

29 September 2017 - Joanna Hazelton
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So, what would you do with a log cabin in your garden? Office, garden room, art studio, kids’ den, karaoke bar…the possibilities are endless. The thought of having somewhere to escape to on a summer’s day sounds idyllic. But don’t forget a log cabin doesn’t just have to be for the summer. Add some insulation […]

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Top Tips for Buying a Garden Shed

13 January 2016 - Joanna Hazelton
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Did you know 7% of UK shed owners hide secret shopping receipts, 8% store secret cigarettes and 9% keep naughty snacks in their sheds? And one in five of us like spending time in the shed to avoid our partners. Apparently eating Mars Bars and smoking crafty cigarettes. So while you ponder on what you’re […]

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Ooh…Look What We've Done In Our Garden!

9 September 2014 - Joanna Hazelton
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We’ve only gone and done it… And, I have to say, I do feel rather smug about it :-). I’ve never really liked our patio area. Dirty grey stones that were forever needing jet washing and nasty little weeds that were forever growing, despite constant weeding and copious amounts of weedkiller. I swear, if weeds […]

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