Problems with Log Cabins

5 April 2020 - Joanna Hazelton
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After all the planning, time, effort and expense of finding your perfect log cabin, the last thing you want is to encounter any problems. Having an understanding of what these are will give you a heads up and the opportunity to do what you can to nip them in the bud and prevent them from […]

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How Much is a Log Cabin?

20 March 2020 - Joanna Hazelton
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How long is a piece of string…? Without stating the blimming obvious, it stands to reason that the bigger the log cabin and the thicker the log walls, the more expensive it will be. To help narrow down the multitude of log cabins to choose from, first things first: What are you going to use […]

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How to Connect your Log Cabin Garden Office to the Internet

12 March 2020 - Joanna Hazelton
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Other than a kettle, a garden office would be lost without a reliable internet connection. The easiest solution would be to extend the Wi-Fi signal from your broadband router in your house to the office. The disadvantage of this, however, is that in a majority of cases the signal won’t be strong enough to reach. […]

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Top Tips for Turning a Log Cabin into a Garden Office

6 March 2020 - Joanna Hazelton
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Roadworks. That’s reason enough to think about leaving the work commute behind and setting up at home. And that’s where a garden office would come in very handy. A dedicated work space in your garden, away from the distractions of home life. Just imagine setting off to work through the back door and strolling down […]

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