Category: Log Cabins
Recommendations to Deal with Cracks and Splits in the Timber of a Log Cabin
16 August 2023 - Joanna Hazelton
Cracks and splits in wood occur naturally and should not be detrimental to the structure of your cabin. Wood is a natural product and is greatly affected by its surroundings. As both temperature levels and moisture content in the air rise and fall throughout the year, particularly during the summer months, the timber shrinks and […]
Tips to Help with the Contraction and Expansion of Log Cabin Timbers
9 August 2023 - Joanna Hazelton
Log settlement is a natural occurrence that happens following the building of a cabin where the wood shrinks and settles. This period of “settling” is caused by the timber reacting and adapting to the climate. The wood continually expands and contracts as it attempts to reach a moisture content balance with its surroundings. This also […]
Recommendations to Help Protect Your Log Cabin Against UV Damage
7 August 2023 - Joanna Hazelton
It’s fair to say scorching sun, unfortunately, is not something we have to deal with very often in our climate – certainly not this summer that’s for sure. So protecting your cabin from the sun may not be high on your list of to do’s, with your attention understandably focused on protecting it from damp […]
How to Help Protect the Exterior of Your Log Cabin from Moisture and Damp
4 August 2023 - Joanna Hazelton
When you live in a climate like ours and have to suffer incessant rain – even at the height of what is supposed to be our summer! – it’s certainly advisable to do what you can to keep your cabin as dry as possible to prevent the logs from rotting. Water splashing up from the […]