Have Fun Transforming Your Garden

8 April 2014 - Joanna Hazelton
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Fed up after months of gloom, frost and rain, our damson trees appear to be summing up the feeling of the garden as a whole with its glorious blossom seemingly rejoicing at the good weather (I feel a poem coming on…).
Seeing this has inspired me to give the garden some well deserved TLC.
Trouble is, my list keeps getting longer by the day as I think of more things that we need, sorry, my husband needs to do to breathe life back into the garden and give it a well deserved facelift (don’t we all?!).
But I do appreciate my husband isn’t getting any younger and I am concerned about who will do the cooking if he’s too busy in the garden. So I’ve scaled things down and come up with a list of top ideas for creating a new look, dream garden.

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Several Outdoor Patio Shading Options to Fit Your Budget

5 March 2014 - Eve McAulay
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Your patio can be a lot of fun especially when the weather gets nicer because it would be a great time to start cooking outdoors or host parties with your friends. Keep your guests and friends shaded from the summer sun if you plan on hosting a party outside. Even with a tight budget, you can still impress them with these outdoor patio shading options. You don’t have to go and buy elaborate, expensive materials to impress your guests.

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Top 10 Must Haves You’ll Need for Outdoor Entertaining

15 January 2014 - Joanna Hazelton
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Looking rather worse for wear, in need of a bit of rejuvenation, a little shabby around the edges….my garden and I have a lot in common at this time of year.
Of course, I’ve made the obligatory New Year’s resolutions that I am going to stick to this year:
start going to the gym (again)
no carbohydrates after 6pm (Cheryl Cole swears by this apparently)
no alcohol in January (failed already)
monthly date nights with my husband (optional)
to persevere with my New Year’s resolutions…..
And I thought this year why not make some New Year’s resolutions for my garden too. It could do with some cheering up, some TLC, a bit of life.

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Alfresco Dining Caveman Style

10 August 2013 - Joanna Hazelton
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We invested in our first firepit barbecue at the beginning of the summer and I can safely say the inner caveman has definitely come to the surface in my husband over the last couple of months.
Not the throwing me over his shoulder or preference for walking around naked – that’s always been a given.
No, he’s resorted to the stereotype hunter gatherer and chief cooker of meat (well, soya actually – he’s a vegetarian caveman so slightly against type).

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