Category: Featured Post
Simple tips on growing your own indoor herb garden
6 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
Contrary to popular belief you can grow herbs indoors and they will taste just as fabulous as if they were grown outdoors. Home grown herbs taste so much better than shop bought herbs and there is no comparison in the taste of freshly grown herbs to dried herbs which offer a bland alternative. Growing herbs […]
Get a head start on growing vegetables – March
12 March 2010 - Jack Gardener
If you are keen to grow your own vegetables this year, there is nothing to stop you getting started right now! To start your vegetable garden off at this time of year you will need to pre-warm your soil so that your vegetables will begin to germinate earlier than normal. Jacks top tip – “Hardy […]
Autumn Leaves – Man Versus Tree
16 September 2009 - Jack Gardener
Every Autumn I used to find myself fighting the battle of man versus tree. My Saturday mornings (and most of the afternoon!) used to be spent raking leaves from my driveway, lawn and garden paths, wishing I could be somewhere else enjoying my weekend. Then I discovered a leaf blower and the rest as they […]
Outdoor Trampoline for Kids & Adults
26 August 2009 - Jack Gardener
So, you want your kids to exercise, why not use an outdoor trampoline? Kids have a tendency to turn their back on anything that might be “good for them“. We do our best do get them out on walks, enrol them in clubs and generally do anything possible to keep them away from the TV. […]