Category: Composters
November Gardening Tasks
3 November 2010 - Jack Gardener
Planning how to protect your plants from the cold weather is a major part of this month’s gardening tasks. Before the very cold weather sets in there are a few essential gardening jobs that should be carried out at this time of year. Now that the clocks have gone back you will need to plan […]
Eco Friendly Gardening Tips
15 June 2010 - Jack Gardener
Don’t waste time and money on expensive fertilizers and other gimmicky items in the local garden centre use a composter and make your own fertilizer instead! If you want your garden to flourish and look fabulous follow my simple tips on eco friendly gardening to improve the health and look of your garden. Eco-friendly gardening […]
Jacks Guide to reviving your garden – Getting ready for the summer
27 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
With spring in full swing now is the time to get back out in your garden and get it ready for the summer months. After suffering one of the coldest winters on record your garden will have been affected far more than in previous winters. Top 10 tips 1. Most shrubs and small trees should […]
Garden Maintenance – 20 gardening activities that can be done in 20 minutes or less.
31 March 2010 - Jack Gardener
At Jacks Garden Store we offer gardening advice and simple tips on how to make gardening more fun! I have compiled a great list of garden maintenance tasks that can be completed in 20 minutes or less. Now that the nights are becoming lighter if you work full-time or spend all day looking after the […]