Author: Karen Schweitzer
7 Winter Gardening Tips
28 January 2012 - Karen Schweitzer
Living in a temperate climate, many tend to think that vegetables only grow in the summer months, and really this couldn’t be further from the truth. Winter gardening that can produce fresh vegetables and decorative flowers year round. Here are a few winter gardening tips…
How to Multipurpose your Garden
13 January 2012 - Karen Schweitzer
Have you ever considered transforming your garden it into a multipurpose space? There are some things you should keep in mind if you want to multipurpose an outdoor space. These pointers will help…
How to Make Non-Toxic Garden Solutions
8 December 2011 - Karen Schweitzer
Avoid the toxic garden products found in the shops and easily make your own non-toxic garden weed killer, pest repellant and fungicide. Find out how…