Keeping Your Car in the Garage – That’s So Yesterday…!

19 October 2012 - Joanna Hazelton
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7.30am Sunday morning, I was up and dressed and out of the house on my way to the gym – impressed hey? But despite my good intentions I fell at the first hurdle; it was a frosty morning and my car was frozen. I couldn’t find the scraper and I didn’t want to risk the wrath of my neighbours by leaving the car engine running at that time on a Sunday morning. So I made a hasty retreat indoors.
It got me thinking and I’ve come up with the perfect solution to deal with frosty mornings – I’m going to get my husband to build a garage. That way I won’t have to worry about waking the neighbours on my early morning visits to the gym (while they last!).

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Keep Your Bike in the Bedroom and Your Husband in the Shed

8 October 2012 - Joanna Hazelton
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We’re all well aware of the ‘pleb’ scandal that is surrounding Andrew Mitchell and what he did or did not call the policemen as he cycled past. I’m certainly not going to throw my opinion on what happened into the mix. But seeing the Chief Whip on his bike, together with David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Nick Clegg and George Osborne all championing the virtues of cycling to work, it did bring to mind an interesting question.

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Time To Store Summer Away in a Box

4 October 2012 - Joanna Hazelton
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Now I know size isn’t everything. And bigger isn’t necessarily always better. It’s what use you make of it and where you put it that’s important. But this is exactly my dilemma at the moment. I’ve come to terms with the fact that my time for lounging in the garden is finally over and it’s now time to store summer away in a box until next year. But where?

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A Modern Woman’s Approach to Fruit Picking

27 September 2012 - Joanna Hazelton
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OK, I’m going to have to admit it. I’ve never been one for getting my hands dirty in the garden. My sort of gardening is buying a few planters and sitting from the comfort of the lounger ‘advising’ my husband about what needs to be done.
However, I’m not completely inept in the garden. I can manage picking fruit from our fruit trees. And in the last few weeks I’ve had my work cut out with all the blackberries, pears, damsons and apples – all quite exhausting but it beats going to the gym!

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