Have Fun Jazzing Up Your Gazebo, Garden Arbour or Pergola

14 April 2013 - Joanna Hazelton
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Shut your eyes and imagine yourself relaxing on comfy cushions in a corner of your garden on a summer’s day surrounded by fragrant jasmine and climbing roses, wind chimes gently jangling in the breeze, an array of vibrant flowers hanging in baskets above your head, fairy lights glimmering as the evening draws in.
This gorgeous calming haven can be yours with the simple addition of an wooden gazebo, arbour or pergola to your garden.

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Why Have a Greenhouse?

11 March 2013 - Joanna Hazelton
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Greenhouses. Where to start. Big? Small? Wood? Aluminium? Glass? Plastic?
I was all set to browse the web to give you an in-depth guide as to what to look for in a greenhouse. Then, as luck would have it, I stumbled across an informative blog I’d forgotten Jack had written a couple of years ago entitled Jack’s Greenhouse Guide which details all the main points you need to consider. So that’s made my life a whole lot easier.
It got me thinking though. Why have a greenhouse at all? Well, lots of reasons really.

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Metal Sheds vs Wooden Sheds: What Type of Sheddie are You?

17 February 2013 - Joanna Hazelton
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Help. I’m facing a dilemma that so many face at one time or another. I’m just not sure which way to turn. Sleepless nights, anxiety, lack of support from a husband who just doesn’t seem to understand my predicament. I need to resolve this problem soon before it drives me to distraction.
Should we get a metal garden shed or is a wooden shed better?

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Have We Found Your Perfect Garden Shed Match?

13 February 2013 - Joanna Hazelton
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Is there something missing in your life? Are you tired of searching for the perfect ‘one’? Are you wanting some stability, security or dependability? The ideal one to share your lifetime with? To be by your side whatever the weather?
Then look no further. Jack’s here to help. He appreciates with your busy lives you don’t have time to spend hours looking for ‘the right one’ so let Jack play cupid to give you the best possible chance of finding your perfect match.

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