Do I Need Planning Permission for a Log Cabin in my Garden?

25 February 2020 - Joanna Hazelton
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Don’t let a little thing like planning permission put you off buying a log cabin and enjoying fantastic extra outdoor living space in your garden!! It’s probably a lot more straightforward than you think. A log cabin is classed as an outbuilding on your property. Outbuildings are regarded as permitted developments and therefore do not […]

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Add Some Cheerful Colour to your Garden with a Winter Hanging Basket

14 November 2019 - Joanna Hazelton
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Being greeted by a splash of cheerful colour from a hanging basket as you leave the house on a chilly, grey winter’s morning is a sure way to brighten up your day. Vibrant flowers, vivid berries and winter-flowering heathers can be planted alongside complementary evergreen foliage, such as ivy, to great effect. And evergreen shrubs […]

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Girl Power and Parsley: Top Tips for Growing Herbs in Pots on your Patio

19 June 2019 - Joanna Hazelton
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I’ve just discovered the joys of growing herbs in pots on my patio. Not only do they make wonderful, aromatic displays, it’s pretty handy being able to nip out from the kitchen for a basil leaf or three mid-bolognaise preparing. And it really couldn’t be simpler. I just mixed and matched a medley of herbs […]

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Chocolate Pizza….A Quirky Way to Use Up Leftover Easter Eggs with an Outdoor Pizza Oven

23 April 2019 - Joanna Hazelton
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On the off chance you haven’t overdosed on chocolate this Easter, how about this for a fun idea. Pizzas made with left over Easter eggs. I don’t know about you, but this really is my idea of heaven.  And what a sublime alternative to a margherita… a rich, gooey, chocolate dessert with a bit of […]

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