Childrens Outdoor Playhouses – The How to Guide

17 September 2009 - Jack Gardener
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Playhouses may have moved on since our childhood but they still remain one of the most popular features our garden can offer our little ones! Hours and hours can pass as they live out their fantasy games or simply run riot outdoors in our gardens. Today playhouses no longer need to be the simple wendy […]

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Autumn Leaves – Man Versus Tree

16 September 2009 - Jack Gardener
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Every Autumn I used to find myself fighting the battle of man versus tree. My Saturday mornings (and most of the afternoon!) used to be spent raking leaves from my driveway, lawn and garden paths, wishing I could be somewhere else enjoying my weekend. Then I discovered a leaf blower and the rest as they […]

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Raised Beds – Grow your own vegetables in the smallest of spaces

15 September 2009 - Jack Gardener
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Do you dream of picking fresh herbs and lettuce in your garden…… Do you want to eat organic but cannot afford to pay the astronomical prices of the supermarkets? Growing your own fruit and veg is the answer! Raised beds enable you to produce meaningful crops in even the smallest of gardens. Many of the […]

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Handy weeding tools for the mature gardener

11 September 2009 - Jack Gardener
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Do you love gardening but are beginning to struggle with the upkeep of your garden because of your mobility? As we get older our appreciation for a freshly pruned tree or a weed free patio grows but unfortunately our ability to complete these tasks pain free begins to diminish. Fear not – with some thoughtful […]

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