Insulate your garage

14 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
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Insulating your garage will help to keep it warmer in the winter saving you money on energy bills and keep it cooler in the summer. Another great benefit of garage insulation is noise reduction, enabling any budding rock stars to practice away without you receiving any complaints from the neighbours.  Alternatively if you use your […]

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Garage and Car Port Guide

13 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
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You are planning to build a covered area for your car but cannot decide whether to opt for a garage or car port to shelter your car. Read this guide to determine which is best for you. Garages A garage offers a safe and secure structure in which to keep your car and gardening equipment […]

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Training plants to climb Pergolas and Arbours

12 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
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Climbing plants offer fantastic colour and a great way of adding height and depth into your garden. They allow you to cover any unsightly walls or fences at relatively low cost. Climbing plants also provide a brilliant way of dividing garden spaces or creating privacy. Use this guide to learn how to make the most […]

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Looking to grow plants in winter – Try a Cold Frame

11 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
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A cold frame is a fantastic low cost item that enables you to keep less hardy plants alive during the cold winter months. They are often referred to as the halfway house between your greenhouse and garden. By definition a cold frame is an unheated garden box that acts like a mini greenhouse. This small […]

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