Garden tool storage solutions

2 March 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Buying a tool store for your garden will allow you to keep all of your outdoor tools in a safe and secure place outdoors. An organized outdoor tool store will allow you easy access to your outdoor equipment and keep your home mud free! Great garden storage can be found at Jack’s online garden store. […]

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Jack’s Guide to Greenhouses – How to chose the right greenhouse

1 March 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Greenhouses are great for extending the growing period in your garden, not only does a greenhouse enable you to regulate temperature, humidity and water distribution they also provide a pest free environment for your plants to grow. Essentially a greenhouse gives you the ability to control your plants growing environment. How does a greenhouse work? […]

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Garden Mirrors – How to maximise your outdoor space

26 February 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Garden mirrors allow you to create the illusion of far more space in a small garden. The mirror will add depth to your garden and make it feel much larger. Outdoor mirrors add style and sophistication to a garden when placed at the end of a walkway they reflect light and the feeling of space. […]

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How to use trellis in your garden

25 February 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Trellis allows you to grow climbing plants which are a great feature in any garden big or small. They can add depth and cover old fencing or help to create different areas within your garden. They also provide privacy which can be highly beneficial especially in built up areas. How to The best way to […]

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