Enhance your garden with a garden arch

22 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Garden Arches can be used to add height to a garden design. A garden arch will look great in any garden be it large or small. Location When deciding where to place an arch in your garden you might want to consider using it at the entry point to your garden, patio or decking area. […]

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How to choose the right garden furniture.

21 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Whether you planning to entertain outdoors for a large number of people or are simply looking for a place to sit and relax with a loved one, choosing the right garden furniture can sometimes be rather difficult as there are so many designs and styles to choose from. Here at Jacks Garden Store we have […]

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Why are bees good for your garden?

15 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Find out the benefits bees bring to your garden and learn how you can attract more. Bees are by far are the best natural pollinators and without these little buzzing creatures there would be far fewer flowers, fruits and vegetables in this world! Why do bees visit your plants? Nectar – Is the main source […]

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Should you keep chickens?

13 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Keeping chickens in your garden is a fast growing trend in the  UK. Over the past decade the price and taste of fruit, vegetables and eggs have changed enormously. Today the eggs and so called fresh produce found in the supermarket is far more expensive and taste much worse than it used to. If you […]

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