How to water your garden – The right way!

5 May 2010 - Jack Gardener
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If you want to see your garden in full bloom this season or enjoy wonderful fresh home grown vegetables you must ensure that you regularly water your garden correctly. Leaving the watering down to the weather is not enough; your plants cannot rely solely on rain if you want them to truly flourish. There are […]

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How to choose the perfect Barbecue

4 May 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Spring is finally here, the sun is shining and it is once again warm enough to dine outdoors. Cooking on a barbecue is a great way to prepare food outdoors that tastes amazing. With a few simple tips cooking outdoors couldn’t be easier. I have compiled a quick guide on how to choose the right […]

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Jacks Guide to reviving your garden – Getting ready for the summer

27 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
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With spring in full swing now is the time to get back out in your garden and get it ready for the summer months. After suffering one of the coldest winters on record your garden will have been affected far more than in previous winters. Top 10 tips 1. Most shrubs and small trees should […]

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5 Easy to grow plants that will give you beautiful borders.

26 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Beginners gardening tips If you are new to this gardening malarkey you’ll want to get to grips with making your garden look attractive with the least amount of difficulty. I’ve compiled a list of easy to rear attractive plants that will add beauty to your garden. Top 5 plants for beginners. 1. Cotoneaster Horizontalis – […]

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