Go Green whilst watering your garden – Eco-friendly watering ideas

24 June 2010 - Jack Gardener
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At Jacks Garden Store we are an Eco-friendly bunch! We are always looking to share new ideas and tips on how to take care of your garden and environment. Today we will look at watering your garden. Now that the summer has finally arrived and we are receiving some long awaited good weather our gardens […]

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Jacks guide: How to build a shed base.

21 June 2010 - Jack Gardener
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All garden sheds require a strong and sturdy base. If you are planning to build a new shed in your garden you must ensure that you have a level sound base for it to go on. Always remember that your new shed requires a level and dry foundation, if the base area is not level […]

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Building a home gym in your back garden

18 June 2010 - Jack Gardener
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With more and more people working longer hours and spending hours on the bus, train or in the car computing to and from work our time for leisure activities is rapidly decreasing. Even when you get home from a hard day’s work the last thing you want to do is get back in the car […]

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Vertical gardening – find out how to create a living wall

17 June 2010 - Jack Gardener
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Living walls are fast becoming one of the most stylish and contemporary ways to fill gaps and cover unsightly spaces in small gardens. This year at the Chelsea flower show many designers presented vertical gardens showing how a small garden can become a fabulous haven of bright colours and natural beauty. It is true that […]

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