A night in with the girls. A night out with the boys. A date night with your other half. Or just a welcome pina colada at the end of a stressful day.
How about a trip to your local in your summerhouse at the bottom of your garden? How cool would that be?!
And just think. No elbowing your way to the front of the bar to get served. No extortionately overpriced drinks. No shouting conversations above the pulsating sound of the jukebox. No trying to find a free table and enough chairs to sit down.
It really is a win win situation having your own garden bar. And just think how popular you’ll be with your friends!
So what do you need to think about when planning your perfect bar?
First things first..
1. The Bar
Choose a design that suits the space and will fit into the corner of the summerhouse.
Recommendation* – Lasita’s The Bar – reversible L-shaped bar

2. Shelving for your bottles and glasses – for the walls and behind the bar itself.

3. Bar stools or chairs

4. Wall Mounted Optic Drink Dispensers
5. Wine/Beer Fridge – to keep all your bottles chilled and for a supply of ice

6. Tables/chairs/sofas – create a comfy seating area

7. Decoration – stamp your personal mark on your garden bar with whatever you want – neon signs, mood lighting, disco balls, funny pictures, painted walls, rugs….endless possibilities!!
8. Music System – you really can’t have a bar without music!!
9. Karoake machine – a sure way to get the party started (keeping the neighbours in mind if you are belting out Let Me Entertain You at 2 in the morning…unless your neighbours are with you and the ones doing the belting!!)
10. Heating – definitely a must if you are planning to use the bar throughout a year – see my blog How to Heat a Log Cabin for advice on this.
And then there’s the poker table, tv, dart board, fruit machine, pool table, jukebox…you really can go to town depending on how much time you plan to spend in there and whether you want to make your bar the best local hostpot in town. The bar is your oyster…!!
On a practical note, you will need to run elecricity to your summerhouse to make this all happen – see my blog Running Electricity to your Summerhouse/Log Cabin for information and advice about this.