Month: June 2010
Jack’s quick guide to buying a garden shed
16 June 2010 - Jack Gardener
When choosing a garden shed there are some important questions you must ask yourself first: 1 – What will I be using it for? 2 – Where will it be situated in my garden? 3 – What type of material do I want my garden shed to be made from? Do your research and plan […]
Jack's quick guide to buying a garden shed
- Jack Gardener
When choosing a garden shed there are some important questions you must ask yourself first: 1 – What will I be using it for? 2 – Where will it be situated in my garden? 3 – What type of material do I want my garden shed to be made from? Do your research and plan […]
Eco Friendly Gardening Tips
15 June 2010 - Jack Gardener
Don’t waste time and money on expensive fertilizers and other gimmicky items in the local garden centre use a composter and make your own fertilizer instead! If you want your garden to flourish and look fabulous follow my simple tips on eco friendly gardening to improve the health and look of your garden. Eco-friendly gardening […]