Simple tips on growing your own indoor herb garden

Contrary to popular belief you can grow herbs indoors and they will taste just as fabulous as if they were grown outdoors. Home grown herbs taste so much better than shop bought herbs and there is no comparison in the taste of freshly grown herbs to dried herbs which offer a bland alternative.
Growing herbs indoors enables those without gardens living in a flat or apartment the opportunity to grow fresh produce. Indoor growing can also hugely benefit those with gardens as their herbs will be within reaching distance. The indoor herbs are at close at hand before mealtimes which will guarantee even in bad weather you being able to reach and use your fresh home grown herbs.
Which herbs are best to grow indoors?

  1. Basil – Great for pastas, salads and Italian food
  2. Bay –  Flavour stews, casseroles and Italian dishes
  3. Chives – Great on fish or potatoes
  4. Parsley – Used as a garnish, with fish or rice dishes
  5. Rosemary – Lamb dishes
  6. Coriander – Thai and Chinese food

There is no point growing a herb indoors that you do not like the taste of. Think carefully about which herbs will improve your day to day cooking and really enhance the flavour of your food. If you follow the simple steps below you should be able to grow most herbs indoors successfully.
I have compiled a few simple steps to help you successfully grow wonderful herbs indoors.

  1. Find a sunny window. Herbs love the sun, the location you choose to grow your herbs must receive an average of 4-5 hours of sunlight each day.
  2. Herbs grow at an incredible rate meaning that they will require watering regularly. A sunny window sill in your kitchen close to the sink for watering would be ideal.
  3. To start herbs from seed soak them in water and refrigerate for 48 hours to speed up germination.
  4. Plant seeds in shallow seed trays or pots that have good drainage. You can use yogurt pots, butter packs or ice cream tubs as long as you make several drainage holes in the bottom. (Jacks top tip – make sure you put a saucer or plate beneath the seed trays to ensure you catch any excess water that drains away from your seedlings!)
  5. As the seeds begin to grow water every couple of days to keep the soil moist but not drenched. Rotate the herb pots as well each time to make sure the whole pot is exposed to sunlight. This will ensure uniformed growth.
  6. If your herb plants begin to grow flowers pinch the flower off.
  7. When the leaves have grown to the right size for each type of herb, simply tear off and add to your food!

Visit “my grow your own” section for a great range of herb and salad seed kits to get your herb garden off to a cracking start!
I also offer plenty more hints and tips on various different gardening subjects at my blog which I would recommend visiting here.
Good luck
Gardener Jack!

About the author

2 thoughts on “Simple tips on growing your own indoor herb garden

  1. Don't forget that coriander is an essential herb for curry and mexican too! Avoid splashing water onto the leaves, as this will often destroy them. Check the soil before watering as over watering has killed nearly as many home-grown herbs as under watering (at least in my house, anyway!)

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