Enhance your garden with a garden arch

Garden Arches can be used to add height to a garden design. A garden arch will look great in any garden be it large or small.
When deciding where to place an arch in your garden you might want to consider using it at the entry point to your garden, patio or decking area. The arch will allow you to create a wonderful entrance that will look beautiful covered in blossoming climbing plants. A garden arch can also add a beautiful focal point to a path or walkway. Alternatively you may wish to consider placing an arch in a secluded area of your garden with a seat beneath so that you can sit and relax in a peaceful place sheltered from the weather. If you are considering using a garden arch to cover a seat or bench you may want to consider purchasing a garden arbour instead as this type of garden furniture is a sheltered garden seat. For a full range of garden arbours click here.
Climbing plants
By growing climbing plants up and around a garden arch you can enhance your garden vertically. An arch also gives you the opportunity to try growing wonderful plants such as vines and climbing roses which will look glorious when in bloom. There are garden arches available with planters included in their structure meaning that you can place your arch anywhere in the garden and be able to grow climbing plants successfully.
Alternatively you can grow climbing fruit and vegetables up and around your garden arch such as grapes or beans. An arch is a great solid structure that can support a whole variety of plants.
Jacks top tip“Don’t put your garden arch in the shade if you are planning to grow climbing plants”.
You can buy metal garden arches and timber garden arches.
Metal arches are available in both contemporary and classic designs and are generally made from either iron or coated steel. This type of garden arch is extremely durable, requires little/no maintenance and has been built to last.
Wooden garden arches are more traditional and blend easily into your gardens backdrop as they are made from natural products. If you are planning to buy a wooden garden arch I advise you to purchase one that has been made from pressure treated timber.
Visit Jacks Garden Store to view a wide range of affordable garden arches.
Good Luck
Gardener Jack!

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