Looking after your metal shed – Jacks top maintenance tips

Metal sheds are a fantastic safe and secure storage solution for your garden.
One of the main advantages of having a metal shed instead of a more traditional wooden shed is the amount of maintenance a metal shed requires. Unlike timber sheds, metal garden sheds need very little maintenance. The key to maintenance free metal sheds is careful and success construction. As long as you build the metal shed correctly you will have a pretty maintenance free durable outdoor building.
Top tips for a maintenance free metal shed
Metal sheds can easily dent. In order to reduce the risk of denting, position your shed away from likely dangers such as where your car or children’s bikes are stored. Simply positioning your metal shed five or so feet away from such dangers can greatly reduce the chance of it being dented.
At Jacks Garden Store all of the metal sheds come with a rust free guarantee. When choosing a metal shed look for one that has been manufactured from hot-dipped galvanised polyamid coated steel to ensure you buy a shed that will remain rust free for years to come.
Scratches and dents need to be repaired as quickly as possible to ensure your shed does not become affected by rust. To repair any damage, clean the area and paint over it with a clear sealant. You can use nail varnish instead on very small dents or damaged areas.
Condensation can build up inside of a metal shed. In order to prevent this make sure sufficient fresh area can circulate around your metal shed. Vents are good at doing this. For more information on this problem check out Jacks blog which goes into much greater detail on preventing condensation in your metal shed.
At Jacks Garden Store we offer a huge range of metal sheds as well as offering a great deal of information on metal sheds visit now to find out more. We also stock a range of plastic garden sheds and wooden sheds.
Good Luck
Gardener Jack

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